Nummus bible II
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Constantine I (vente Nomos Obolos)

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Constantine I (vente Nomos Obolos) Empty Constantine I (vente Nomos Obolos)

Message par simo75 Sam 09 Mai 2020, 09:13

Un Constantin I très intéressant dans la prochaine vente NOmos Obolos

déjà 300 frs....

Constantine I, 307/310-337. Follis (Bronze, 20.5 mm, 3.61 g, 6 h), Arles, 313-315.
IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG Laureate and cuirassed bust of Constantine to left, holding spear with his right hand over his right shoulder, and with a shield over his left shoulder.
Rev. PROVIDE - NT - IAE AVGG /Q ARL Female figure, holding a cornucopia in her left hand and standing to right on a galley, clasping right hands with a turreted figure of Arles, standing left and holding a vexillum with her left hand. RIC 30. Very rare. Attractive, clear and evenly worn. Minor flatness, otherwise, very fine.

Constantine I (vente Nomos Obolos) 2ya5
Miliarense léger
Miliarense léger

Messages : 1905
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2013
Age : 48

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Constantine I (vente Nomos Obolos) Empty Re: Constantine I (vente Nomos Obolos)

Message par elagabale2000 Sam 09 Mai 2020, 09:35

Merci, plus beaux que ceux de la base :

lien bdd

Constantine I (vente Nomos Obolos) 49873 Constantine I (vente Nomos Obolos) 49873
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Messages : 33700
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2010
Age : 51
Localisation : Nîmes

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Constantine I (vente Nomos Obolos) Empty Re: Constantine I (vente Nomos Obolos)

Message par globvs Sam 09 Mai 2020, 10:02

Très bel  exemplaire . Elle trouvera preneur facilement Very Happy
Miliarense Lourd
Miliarense Lourd

Messages : 2516
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2018
Age : 53
Localisation : Lorraine

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