Vol chez LEU
4 participants
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Vol chez LEU
J'ai reçu un mail de la Maison LEU indiquant que les monnaies de leur dernière vente ont été volées la veille de Noël ....
C'est bien moche ...
Burglary at Leu Numismatik
Relevant information should be directed to info@leunumismatik.com or
+41 52 214 11 10
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are contacting you to let you know that our offices have, sadly, fallen victim to burglary on Christmas Eve. The thieves stole parts of our Web Auction 6 (9 December 2018), which were being prepared for post Christmas-shipment. The burglary is currently under investigation by the Swiss authorities, who are doing their best to crack the case. Nonetheless, we would like to urge you to have a look at the stolen lots - a full list including pictures and short descriptions can be be found here: Leu Web Auction 6 - Stolen lots, and pictures of ten higher value and easily recognizable coins have been attached to this Newsletter. Reselling thieved ancient coins is not easy – should you encounter any of the missing items in the near or distant future or be able to provide any other relevant information, we kindly ask you to contact us immediately.
Last but not least, we would also like to thank you for all the sympathetic and supportive reactions and messages – they are much appreciated.
2019 – New Year, New Luck!
Notwithstanding these sad events, we are eagerly preparing for the upcoming year, which at Leu starts with Web Auction 7 (24 February 2019), featuring a selection of 1500 lots from 2500 years of history. Please note that the consignment deadline for Web Auction 7 is 10 January 2019.
What is more, we are already working on our spring sale, Leu Auction 4, which takes place on 25 May in Zürich, Switzerland. The interest amongst our customers is great, and Leu 4 will hence be our largest floor sale thus far, this much is already clear. Should you consider parting from important individual pieces or whole collections, this would be a perfect opportunity to have your treasures offered in our much-praised catalogues. Contact us now and we will happily advise you via email, phone or by personal appointment. The consignment deadline for Auction 4 is 10 March 2019.
We wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
With best regards,
Yves Gunzenreiner, Lars Rutten, Piotr Tomczyk
C'est bien moche ...
Burglary at Leu Numismatik
Relevant information should be directed to info@leunumismatik.com or
+41 52 214 11 10
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are contacting you to let you know that our offices have, sadly, fallen victim to burglary on Christmas Eve. The thieves stole parts of our Web Auction 6 (9 December 2018), which were being prepared for post Christmas-shipment. The burglary is currently under investigation by the Swiss authorities, who are doing their best to crack the case. Nonetheless, we would like to urge you to have a look at the stolen lots - a full list including pictures and short descriptions can be be found here: Leu Web Auction 6 - Stolen lots, and pictures of ten higher value and easily recognizable coins have been attached to this Newsletter. Reselling thieved ancient coins is not easy – should you encounter any of the missing items in the near or distant future or be able to provide any other relevant information, we kindly ask you to contact us immediately.
Last but not least, we would also like to thank you for all the sympathetic and supportive reactions and messages – they are much appreciated.
2019 – New Year, New Luck!
Notwithstanding these sad events, we are eagerly preparing for the upcoming year, which at Leu starts with Web Auction 7 (24 February 2019), featuring a selection of 1500 lots from 2500 years of history. Please note that the consignment deadline for Web Auction 7 is 10 January 2019.
What is more, we are already working on our spring sale, Leu Auction 4, which takes place on 25 May in Zürich, Switzerland. The interest amongst our customers is great, and Leu 4 will hence be our largest floor sale thus far, this much is already clear. Should you consider parting from important individual pieces or whole collections, this would be a perfect opportunity to have your treasures offered in our much-praised catalogues. Contact us now and we will happily advise you via email, phone or by personal appointment. The consignment deadline for Auction 4 is 10 March 2019.
We wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
With best regards,
Yves Gunzenreiner, Lars Rutten, Piotr Tomczyk
Re: Vol chez LEU
Il faut être fou ! Ces monnaies provenant d'une telle vente sont infourgables ! Quelle tristesse de se dire que certaines partiront peut être à la fonte
Re: Vol chez LEU
elagabale2000 a écrit:Il faut être fou ! Ces monnaies provenant d'une telle vente sont infourgables ! Quelle tristesse de se dire que certaines partiront peut être à la fonte
Eh oui c'est lamentable.
Je crois que notre ami PYL a eu du bol car sa monnaie de Constantin II n'est pas dans la liste des pièces volées.
Re: Vol chez LEU
Je l'ai reçu aussi...affligeant
Al.cofribas- Solidus
- Messages : 6264
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2015
Age : 57
Localisation : Ile de France
Re: Vol chez LEU
étant suisse on m'a livré les 3 monnaies gagnés avant Noel (le 23....). J'ai eu de la chance
simo75- Miliarense léger
- Messages : 1905
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2013
Age : 48
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